Destination Sigma Scholarship
Endowed in 2004 by an anonymous Sigma in memory of her parents, the Destination Sigma Scholarship provides for financial aid to collegiate chapter delegates attending Tri Sigma National Convention. The scholarships are awarded to collegiate members during a Convention year only.
Scholarship funds are granted to recipients to reimburse costs spent on needs for the delegate to travel to/participate fully at Convention, such as a cocktail dress, white dress or shoes for ritual, luggage, etc. For all scholarship recipients, the Foundation transfers these scholarship funds via Billhighway to the chapter. The scholarship emphasizes supporting delegates in the additional costs related to attending Convention beyond registration and travel. It is the responsibility of each chapter treasurer to reimburse the recipient the scholarship amount or use the grant to support the delegate in paying for Convention-related expenses on top of the costs already covered by the chapter.
All Sigmas receiving the scholarship will be recognized at Convention. Additionally, all recipients must write an acknowledgment of the award to the scholarship donor.
Application process:
- Applications must be submitted by March 15, 2019
- Only ONE applicant per chapter, specifically the chapter delegate
- Each application requires a recommendation from a chapter advisor
- Applications will be reviewed by the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, with preference given to applications received earliest
- Scholarship notifications will be sent by April 1, 2019
- Scholarship funds will be sent to the chapter by May 1, 2019