Estate & Planned Giving

Planned gifts are the ultimate gift to ensure the future of our sisterhood. Often, these gifts provide donors with the greatest personal ability to have a significant impact, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations of Tri Sigmas. All planned gift donors are honored as members of the Heritage Society.

If you've included the Tri Sigma Foundation in your estate plans, now is the time to share your commitment with Tri Sigma! Notifying us of your planned gift allows us to celebrate you as a donor during your lifetime and helps us better plan for Tri Sigma's financial future.


Planned Gifts Can Include:

  • A bequest in your will or estate plans
  • A beneficiary designation on an IRA, insurance policy, retirement plan or charitable trust
  • Other options, such as a charitable remainder trust

We welcome the opportunity to have a confidential conversation with you at no obligation. If you would like more information, please contact Summer Sage at

Heritage Society

This distinguished Heritage Society honors all planned giving donors for their support of our mission. We would be honored to include you in our Heritage Society if you have:

  • Provided for the Foundation in your will or trust.
  • Designated us as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan, savings bond, bank account, or life insurance policy.
  • Created a planned gift that returns fixed or flexible income to you or others.

Please notify the Foundation of your plans by contacting Summer Sage at