2015 Award Winners

Alumnae Award Winners

Steadfast Alumna Citation:
Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Beta Kappa, Phoenix
Emily Gates Alumna Achievement:
Michelle Brady, Alpha Phi, Central Florida
Outstanding Alumna of the Region:
Region 2 – Stefanie Love Pidgeon, Delta Pi, Northern VA
Region 3 – Lou Anna Moore Rowland, Alpha Iota, Wichita
Region 4 – Jean Swanson Stuck, Alpha Epsilon, Denver

ALUMNAE Chapter Awards:
Alumnae Chapter of the Year: Denver
Member Recruitment: Northern Virginia
Excellence in Overall Programming: Baltimore
Outstanding Single Program: Baltimore
Excellence in Community Service: Phoenix
Sisterhood Award for Alumnae Chapter in a College Town: Denver
Sisterhood Award for Alumnae not in a College Town: Indianapolis Suburban

Collegiate Award Winners

COLLEGIATE Individual Awards:
Mabel Lee Walton Leadership Award
Katherine Graves French, Gamma Lambda
Margaret Freeman Everett Outstanding Senior
Jordan Nicole Nelson, Theta Epsilon
Outstanding Member of the Region
Region 1 – Anne E. Ricciardi, Delta Psi
Region 2 – Mariah Jean Haffield, Epsilon Rho
Region 3 – Allison Alexandra Lemack, Eta Rho
Region 4 – Tabytha Nycole Russell, Alpha Iota
Region 5 – Miranda N. Richmond, Theta Zeta
Outstanding Senior of the Region
Region 1 – Alyssa Kimberly Enny, Epsilon Epsilon
Region 2 – Taylor Grace Futrell, Alpha Chi
Region 3 – Kayla Brooke Sarno, Gamma Xi
Region 4 – Melissa Marie Brown, Alpha Iota
Outstanding Advisor of the Region
Region 1 – Linda Ann Henderson, Delta Psi
Region 2 – Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi
Region 3 – Amber Hutzler Bailey, Delta Pi R
egion 4 – Marcy Mattern Emmons, Beta Xi
Region 5 – Veronica L. Atkins, Eta Omicron

COLLEGIATE Chapter Awards:
Chapter of the Year: Nu
Jane E. Kinderman Standards of Efficiency: Nu
Membership Selection: Nu
Commitment to Excellence: Eta Omicron
Member Development & Educational Programming: Nu
Creative Education Program: Alpha Upsilon
Excellence in Community Service: Alpha Chi
Fraternity/Sorority Advisor of the Year: Jared Tice, Gamma Xi, Barton College
Ritual and Values Programming: Nu
Chapter Advisory Board of the Year: Delta Pi
Pillar 4 Achievement Certificates:
Beta Delta
Beta Pi
Delta Pi
Epsilon Rho
Eta Omicron
Gamma Pi
Gamma Xi
Zeta Kappa
Zeta Upsilon