Thank You for Making a Difference

Thank you for your generosity this year to the Foundation! Tri Sigma puts your gift to work each year through leadership development. Your gift impacts the lives of Sigmas, children and communities near and far.

Watch the video below to see how you are making a difference.

The Tri Sigma Service Immersion program features both domestic and international opportunities. The service immersion trips are intergenerational experiences that allow members to strengthen their commitment to volunteerism. Each experience provides a hands-on opportunity to explore personal identity, diversity, and social justice, which are crucial elements of empowering our members to change the world. Additionally, participants gain skills in project management, communication, and team development.

Through the Foundation’s annual grant to Tri Sigma, the Foundation helps fund leadership and educational programs such as Service Immersion. As Tri Sigma continues to expand its programs, the need for funding continues to grow. Your opportunity to impact more people and communities continues to grow too. With your help, we will continue to make a difference.

Thank you for continuing to empower sisters to change the world through leadership, scholarship and Sigmas serving children.

If you would like to increase your impact this year, you can level up before June 30, 2017. For more information about your fiscal year giving, contact