Louisiana Flooding

When almost 6.9 trillion gallons of rain poured across Louisiana last month, causing flooding and what the Red Cross deemed one of the worst national disasters since Hurricane Sandy, Tri Sigmas across the state came together to support sisters and others in need.

gammamu-photo1The women of Gamma Mu, Southeastern Louisiana University, have been busy collecting and donating items to those in need and helping members of the community clean up flooding homes and recover damaged property.

A Hammond, LA resident expressed his appreciation to Tri Sigma members who assisted others in the Greek community for helping remove items from his 79-year-old mother’s home.

“(The students) came to the residence of my 79-year-old mother and removed furniture, insulation and cut out sheet rock,” he said. “They were very hard workers and got a great amount of work accomplished.”

A fraternity member at SELU reached out to National Headquarters to thank the chapter members for helping his family after his home flooded.

“The ladies from Southeastern Louisiana University volunteered on their last free week of summer to help my family gut their house after it flooded,” he said. “The girls were amazing, spirited, and not afraid to do anything asked of them. They pulled carpet, took out sheet rock, and helped remove everything that was lost. All with a smile

Gamma Mu Chapter President Phoebe Castro said many of the chapter’s members were affected by the flooding, but that hasn’t stopped them from supporting each other and making sure they are helping others in the community.
“Many of our members were impacted, but the overwhelming support that our sisters have shown each other is remarkable,” she said. “I am very proud of the women of my chapter. We have certainly displayed, ‘To receive much, you must give much.’”gammamu-photo2

The members of Alpha Zeta, Northwestern State University, are continuing to battle rain and rising water in Natchitoches, LA Chapter President Abby Hinds said several members have lost their homes, and the chapter members have collected items to send to southern Louisiana area alumnae.

The Alpha Zeta chapter will also use recruitment as a time to help flooding victims by crafting bags that will include toiletry items that will be sent to a local elementary school.

The Northshore LA Alumnae Chapter also created a Purple Violet Flood Relief event to support sisters and their families that have been affected. If you would like to participate, more information can be found on Facebook by clicking here.