Health: The Red Zone

The start of the school year is an exciting time on college campuses across the country. Making new friends, preparing for classes to start and welcome back activities are all an exciting part of returning to school in the fall.

The beginning of the semester can also be a dangerous time for women on college campuses. The first six weeks of the semester, known as the Red Zone, marks the time women are most vulnerable to sexual assault. More sexual assaults occur during the first six weeks of classes than any other time during the school year, according to Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network.

As Tri Sigmas, it’s important we watch out for our sisters during this time to help keep each other safe. Here are some tips to stay safe and raise awareness about the Red Zone:

  • Share #TheRedZone posts posted to Tri Sigma’s social media accounts.
  • Use RAINN’s tips to show your sisters you “CARE” if you witness a situation that could be a sexual assault:
    • Create a distraction. Do what you can to interrupt a situation and get your sister to a safer place.
    • Ask directly. Talk directly to the person who might be in trouble.
    • Refer to an authority. Talk to a security guard or bartender about your concerns. Never hesitate to call 911 if you fear for someone’s safety.
    • Enlist others. Ask someone to come with you to approach the woman at risk.
  • Share campus resources with members, such as phone numbers for counseling services and campus police.

For more resources on sexual assault safety and prevention, visit