Establishing Need-based Scholarships
The Tri Sigma Foundation Board of Directors and staff appreciate our chapters taking action, and the time to help us identify initiatives and efforts we can take to better our organization. The Foundation exists to empower your philanthropic legacy. Our mission remains to secure and provide enduring resources to support the leadership development, scholarship, and philanthropic initiatives of Sigma Sigma Sigma.
As we actively listen to the recommendations received and endorsed by some of our collegiate and alumnae chapters, we would like to share how you can take immediate action regarding financial need-based scholarships.
Annually, the Foundation provides graduate and undergraduate scholarships to alumnae and collegians. While the current endowed scholarships recognize outstanding academic achievement, any individual or chapter may establish and endow a need-based scholarship. The financial need-based criteria would be outlined in the scholarship agreement before beginning the endowment process.
Any chapter with an established scholarship endowment may transition their scholarship to a need-based criterion by contacting the Foundation ( This includes a few simple steps, such as signing a revised scholarship agreement and the legally required Board of Directors’ approval at their next scheduled board meeting.
Tri Sigma donors and chapters make it possible each year to award scholarships. Without each endowed scholarship and annual contributions, the Foundation would be unable to empower academic achievement for graduate or undergraduate Sigma sisters.
You or your chapter can establish a scholarship to provide financial assistance to your members that demonstrate financial need:
- A scholarship can be established with a gift of $25,000, payable over a five-year period.
- A scholarship can be established by an individual donor, family, chapter, or group.
- The donor can choose to keep the scholarship open to all Tri Sigma applicants or designate your scholarship for specific chapters, fields of study, and undergraduate or graduate students.
- Scholarship assets are professionally invested and managed under the supervision of the Tri Sigma Foundation Board of Directors.
For more details on endowing a new scholarship, contact Shelly Bateman, Executive Director at
We fully commit ourselves to diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure that we create a lasting change for our organization. Specifically, we are assessing what data we should be collecting for all our grant processes and identifying action steps for inclusivity within our Foundation committees, volunteer roles, and leadership. We ask that you continue to hold us accountable. We hear you clearly that we need to be transparent in our efforts and continue to share our progress.
For a full list of currently endowed scholarships, visit