
An endowment is a permanent fund established to provide ongoing financial support for a Tri Sigma cause you care about. When you create an endowment of $25,000 or more, your gift is invested through the Foundation, and the annual returns are used to fund the programs or initiatives important to you. Your endowment will ensure these important causes are funded year after year.

Start an Endowment to Support Leadership & Education

Dream big! Endowments can fund a variety of leadership and education needs Like…

  • the Fowler Family Scholarship established last year by Jennifer Fowler to honor her mother and support women pursuing a degree in fine arts or museum studies.
  • the Destination Sigma Fund established by an anonymous donor to provide scholarships for collegiate delegates attending Convention.
  • the Elizabeth and Fred Hoffert Endowment Fund for Leadership established by Liz Hoffert to ensure annual support for leadership programs and initiatives.

Contact Summer Sage at ssage@trisigma.org to discuss starting an endowment.

Leadership Endowments


Scholarship Endowments


Funds in the Process of Endowment