Elimination of Tri Sigma’s Legacy Policy

Yesterday, we shared information with our collegiate members, volunteers, and alumnae chapter presidents via email and social media about the elimination of Tri Sigma’s legacy policy.

A legacy is defined as a sister, mother, daughter, granddaughter, niece, stepdaughter, stepmother, or stepsister of an initiated member. Tri Sigma will continue to recognize and celebrate Tri Sigma legacies, but potential new members who are legacies will no longer receive preferential treatment during the recruitment process.

Realizing the importance of equitable consideration for all women seeking membership in Tri Sigma and after recommendation by both departments of Chapter Services and Growth Initiatives, on July 6, Executive Council voted in favor of eliminating the current legacy policy. We are confident this change will allow for greater opportunities for membership and will empower our collegiate members to have the autonomy to make their own membership selection decisions. This change means that chapters are no longer required to invite a legacy to the first invitational round during recruitment, nor is it a requirement to place legacies at the top of the bid list submitted after the final round of recruitment. Chapters also are no longer required to receive approval from National Headquarters before releasing a legacy.

Why did Tri Sigma decide to make this change?

Sororities were founded during a time in our country’s history when women’s rights were limited. Being allowed to attend colleges and universities provided exciting opportunities. Being a part of a sorority enabled women to build friendships and offer support to one another, especially as they navigated the fortuitous changes. Even though doors were opening to women, historical information reveals that the sorority experience was limited to those who were white. The world has since evolved, and Tri Sigma is evolving as well. It is important to offer a welcoming environment and provide the opportunity for all women to find a home in Tri Sigma.

Please direct any questions to sigma@trisigma.org.