Call for Executive Council Nominations

The 45th National Convention of Tri Sigma will be held June 28 – July 1, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Plans are well underway, and June of 2019 will prove to be an exciting and historic time for Tri Sigma. One of the most important items of business conducted at Convention is the election of Executive Council. As a Tri Sigma, you have the opportunity and privilege of sharing your voice in the future leadership of our organization.




What positions are available?

The Nominating Committee plans to slate for the following offices: National President, National Treasurer and four National Vice Presidents. Current Council members do not automatically continue in their office and must participate in the process just as other nominees do. They may also decide not to seek re-election because they have completed the current term limits or for personal reasons.


How do you make a nomination?

As a Tri Sigma, you have the privilege to recommend to the Nominating Committee any member in good standing who would serve well as an Executive Council member and who meets the requirements for service. Before you submit a nomination, you must ask that woman’s permission. Only one nomination for each candidate is needed. Campaigning by asking others to recommend the same woman is unnecessary and inappropriate. 

View the complete job description by clicking here. For questions, click here


An educational webinar for those interested in nomination is available in Sigma Connect under Sigmapedia. To recommend qualified women for Executive Council office, please submit an online form by January 1, 2019.