120th Founders Day

Gratitude for Sisterhood…

We often use important milestones, anniversaries and holidays as opportunities to reflect on what we are grateful for. But how often in our daily lives do we consciously exercise and express gratitude?

The theme for this year’s Founders Day program, “Gratitude for Sisterhood,” written by Amanda Marchegiani, Beta Xi, gives us the perfect opportunity to consciously and deliberately express the ways we are grateful for our sisters. Each of us has sisters that have impacted our life in both simple and monumental ways. Is there a sister who made you feel especially welcomed as a new member or a sister that led your chapter through a challenging time? A sister who consoled you after a bad break-up or always knew how to make you laugh? A sister who helped you get a job or find your first home? If you pause and think about it, I bet you will quickly think of many sisters for whom you are grateful to. Just thinking about them will put a smile on your face and warm your heart…that is the beauty of gratitude.

The author of the 1978 Founders Day program, Phyllis Seidler McIntyre, Beta Zeta and Omega, wrote in that year’s program, “We honor our sisters. Through them we have come to know Sigma. With them we have grown in Sisterhood.”

On this year’s Founders Day, as you reflect on those sisters who have touched your life, I challenge you to act on the gratitude you feel. Send them an email or card or give them a call telling them why you are grateful for their presence in your life. This outward expression of your gratitude will go a long way with those sisters and an ever further distance in strengthening the special bonds of our sisterhood.

On behalf of Executive Council, I wish you a happy Founders Day and thank you for being a Sister. How grateful we are to be connected by the bonds of Tri Sigma!

In our bonds,





Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

National Vice President