Chapter Spotlight: Eta Zeta campaigns for state hazing law

By: Maya Narang, Eta Zeta

Eta Zeta members Rachel Eytalis and Mackenzie Fox campaign for a state hazing law at the University of Alaska-Anchorage during National Hazing Prevention Week.

Chapter members at Eta Zeta, University of Alaska-Anchorage, have known for a long time there are six states without a state hazing law, including Alaska.

Sisters decided this semester was the time for Alaska to create a law addressing hazing. As a sorority at the University of Alaska-Anchorage, we have always been held to anti-hazing standards by our values and university regulations; however, it has never been surprising to know that hazing persisted on our campus.

Every year for National Hazing Prevention Week, chapter members have done their best to spread the word and pledge to not haze members, but this year the chapter wanted to try something bigger. Digging into the laws of other states, chapter members found there are many different penalties for hazing. One state we admired in particular was Colorado, where hazing is a class 3 misdemeanor. The chapter brainstormed about how they could bring a penalty like this to their state.

Hazing Prevention Week set the perfect stage. As a chapter, sisters campaigned to create awareness and ultimately end hazing. Gathering support from students and staff of the university was the first step. From there, they lobbied legislators for support. The chapter is now waiting for state legislators to respond so they can help Tri Sigma put an end to hazing in Alaska.